Monday 24 February
Warming Up
In pairs:
For every meter over/under both partners do 1 burpee
For every meter over/under both partners do 1 burpee
Before starting do a test set of 30″ to see how much distance you cover on each machine.
For max distance:
2 rounds:
3′ ON /3′ OFF x 8 – rest 1 min between rounds
Work in pairs. P1 and P2 alternate sets. So P1 starts on the first machine. Completes 3 min while P2 rests. Then P2 completes 3 min while P1 rests. Score is total distance over 8 rounds (4 rounds per athlete). 1 min rest to switch machines and get ready, then complete the 8 rounds again for machine 2.
*Keep an eye on your pace and s/m. Try to keep these metrics as constant as possible. Hold a high, but sustainable pace.
Tuesday 25 February
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
Strength – Press & Legs
5-3-2-1 reps of:
*Build weight as reps go down. If you’re feeling up to it, go for a 1 RM.
Workout – Open workout 21.1
For time:
Time cap: 15 min
Wednesday 26 February
Warming Up
7 min AMRAP:
20″ ON / 40″ OFF x 10
*Short rest means you should probably choose slightly easier movements than what you think you can manage
TC = 18 min
*Use one set of DB’s for all movements.
Thursday 27 February
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
Strength – Strict Press
*Warm up to your test weight whilst avoiding doing too many sets to ensure you stay away from fatigue. Try to limit attempts to 2-3 times max, with at least 2 min rest between sets.
For time:
Rest 3 min
TC = 13 min
*Try to complete this training for 2 machines of which one ideally the rower if it is available. This should be faster than your 2K pace. The 3 min rest should feel short.
Friday 28 February
Saturday 1 March
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
30″ KB holds (at shoulder height with arms extended)
60″ Ski Erg at high resistance or arms only Echo bike
10/10 m KB 90″(Bottom Up) Waiter Carry
10 KB High Pulls
Strength – Press & Accessory
*Warm up to your test weight whilst avoiding doing too many sets to ensure you stay away from fatigue. Try to limit attempts to 2-3 times max, with at least 2 min rest between sets.
OR if you did this earlier this week and do not wish to repeat the test complete the following training:
3-4 RFQ:
2′ ON/1′ OFF x 5
*Short intervals with a challenging gymnastics movement. Try to push the pace harder than you want to so choose the movement you master well enough to accommodate that.
Sunday 2 March
Warming Up
Death by Calories on machine
EMOM for as long as possible
*Add 1 calorie each min. If you can no longer make the number every min the workout stops.
Mikko’s Triangle
28 min EMOM
*Set a single number of calories and complete that amount of work each minute – every minute.
RX = 20/17 Cal
I = 15/12 Cal
B = 10/8 Cal