Monday 3 March
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
Then with an empty barbell:
1-2 RFQ:
Strength – Test – 5 RM Deadlift
In 30 mins:
*Try not to waste too much energy on endless warming up sets.
For time with a Buddy:
At 0:00 and every min:
*Find a buddy who is about the same strength as you are so you can share the same SB ideally so everyone can use the weight they want.
TC = 10 min
Tuesday 4 March
Warming Up/Prep
2 RFQ:
2 RFQ:
2 RFQ:
2 RFQ:
If your skills are up to it:
Today we have a workout combining a challenging gymnastics complex with strength and conditioning. Try to challenge yourself on the complex. Go easier on the machine/DB’s if necessary. You have 5 min per round, which we recommend to use as follows:
Complex = 2-2.5 min
Machine = 1 min
Lunges = 1.5-2 min
So don’t go too easy on yourself. Break up your sets to manageable chunks.
6 RFT:
*Round 1 & 2: Farmer hold
Round 3 & 4: Front Rack Hold
Round 5 & 6: OH hold
Bar complex = 1 (C2B) pull up & 1 TTB
I = 7 Bar complexes & 2 x 15/10 kg
B = Alternate each round between 15-20 Leg Raises/alt V-ups and 20 Ring rows or Jumping pull ups & 2 x 10/7.5 kg
TC = 30 min
Wednesday 5 March
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
2 RFQ:
Onto 1 RFQ:
Weightlifting – C&J
3-4 RFQ:
Onto 3-4 RFQ:
Then work up to a heavy:
*The goal of todays training is to get comfortable pulling under the bar into a squat position quickly.
For time:
Rest 3 min
TC = 18 min
*Try to complete this training for 2 machines of which one ideally the rower. Try to hold the highest pace you can without slowing down at the end.
Thursday 6 March
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
Then with an empty barbell:
1-2 RFQ:
Strength – TEST
In 30 mins find your:
If you’ve already done this test and do not wish to repeat it:
3-4 RFQ:
Then onto 2-3 RFQ:
3 RFT:
TC = 11 min
I = 30/25 kg BB & 4 wall walks
B = 20/15 kg BB & 3-5 partial wall walks
Friday 7 March
Open workout 25.2
Saturday 8 March
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
Conditioning – Mikko’s Triangle
32 min EMOM
*Set a single number of calories and complete that amount of work each minute – every minute.
RX = 20/17 Cal
I = 15/12 Cal
B = 10/8 Cal
If there’s time left and the will to do so:
6-10 min AMRAP:
*Add one rep each set. Every time you break: 10-5 V-ups.
Flow: 1 push up, 1/1 Knee to elbow, 2 push ups, 2/2 knee to elbows, 3 push ups, 3/3 knee to elbow. If you break: 10-5 V-ups, then continue where you left off: 4 push ups, 4/4 knee to elbow, etc.
Sunday 9 March
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
1-2 RFQ:
1-2 RFQ:
15-12-9-6 reps of:
*Take as much rest as needed between sets. The goal is to end the last rep close to, or at failure.
3 RFT:
TC = 18 min
*Aim for 4 min rounds.
I = 2 x 15/10 & 15 (Alt) TTB
B = 2 x 10/7.5 kg & 10-15 Leg Raises or V-ups & SU