Monday 10 March
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
Gymnastics – Pull / Con
3-4 RFQ
2-3 RFQ:
*Rest as needed – The goal of this part is not to complete the rounds as fast as possible, but it is to perform the movements as good and fast as possible on their own. So use a taller box than you normally would in a WOD and try to speed up your burpees as fast as possible. No pacing.
In pairs:
3 RFT all IGYG:
*Find a buddy who can lift about the same weight as you can so you can share one D-ball. Use the heaviest D-ball you can perform the movements with.
Tuesday 11 March
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
Then 1-2 RFQ:
3-4 RFQ:
*Use a box that you can comfortably step onto. Tall boys & girls use a tall box, short boys & girls a shorter one. Better to use a heavier barbell than a taller box. Focus on stepping onto the box with one leg, so only step on the box with the other leg once the stepping leg is completely extended.
2 x 8 min EMOM
10/8 Calories machine*
*Add 1 Cal each min. If you can no longer complete the cals in the min hold the starting number for the remaining time.
4 min rest & repeat
Wednesday 12 March
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
Onto 1-2 Rounds with PVC or BB:
Weightlifting – Snatch Technique
Work up to a heavy:
Once you lose form continue with:
Then work up to a heavy:
*Focus on pulling yourself under the bar as smooth as possible, because we’re working from hang/high hang position this should feel a little easier than from the floor.
2′ ON/1′ OFF x 6
*Score is max reps collected over all 6 rounds
Thursday 13 March
Warming Up
9 min EMOM
*Keep an eye on the calories so you can make a good estimate of target calories for the training.
Conditioning – Mikko’s Triangle
36 min EMOM
*Set a single number of calories and complete that amount of work each minute – every minute.
RX+ = 20/17 Cal
RX = 15/12 Cal
I = 12/9 Cal
B = 10/8 Cal
Friday 14 March
Open workout 25.3
Final week of the Open. If you’re not joining, come cheer our athletes on!
Saturday 15 March
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
1-2 RFQ with empty barbell:
3-4 RFQ:
*Only use a deficit if you can safely do this. If your mobility doesn’t allow this safely or means you have to reduce the weight significantly skip this addition and stick to regular.
Then onto 2-3 RFQ:
10 min AMRAP:
I = Regular Pull Ups / 50/35 kg
B = Jumping Pull Ups/Ring Rows / 35/20 kg
Sunday 16 March
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
Gymnastics – Com / Inv
3-4 RFQ:
2-3 RFQ:
*Rest as needed
Workout – Sunday Funday Buddy Workout
For time:
TC = 20 min
Flow: P1 starts with 200 m row/ski, while P2 starts on the KB movements. Once P1 is done with the 200 m, they switch and P2 rows/ski’s 200 m. So each partner rows/ski’s each distance. Your score is time or reps at 20 min, and the number of total reps collected by both buddies.