Monday 6 January
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
Gymnastics Strength
3-4 RFQ:
*Rest as needed. Use weights/bands to ensure you can do just 5-7 reps and no more/less. If you cannot do a pull up without a band do Banded Pull Ups, Chin Ups and Ring Rows.
Use an incline for the push up and negative pike push up if needed, we want to see full ROM.
2 RFT:
TC = 18 min
Tuesday 7 January
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
Then onto 1-2 sets:
Strength/WL – RE-TEST 3 RM C&J
In 30 min:
*Don’t do too many warming up sets, aim to do just 2-3 attempts on your 3RM. You can drop the barbell between reps but it needs to come off the floor again within 5″.
21-15-9 reps of:
I = 2 x 15/10 kg & Alternating TTB
B = 2 x 10/5 kg & Leg Raise
TC = 12 min
*Short and spicy one to finish today’s training. Push to hold a high pace and stay as much unbroken on the TTB as possible.
Wednesday 8 January
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
2 RFQ:
2 RFQ:
Today we’re practicing Pull Up Capacity. Start working towards the pull up movement you want to do for the retest end of this month
2 min AMRAP
1 min rest
x 5
Straight into:
20 min AMRAP:
I = 10 D-ball to/over shoulder @ 50/35 kg & 5 Wall Walks
B = 12 D-ball to/over shoulder @ 35/20 kg & 3-4 Partial Wall Walks
Thursday 9 January
Warming Up
1-2 Sets:
1-2 Sets
Weightlifting Technique – RE-TEST 3 RM C&J
In 30 min:
*Don’t do too many warming up sets, aim to do just 2-3 attempts on your 3RM. You can drop the barbell between reps but it needs to come off the floor again within 5″.
Or if you did this test already and do not wish to repeat it:
After each set:
One rep more on the rows, can you keep the same weight or build?
10 min AMRAP:
I = 30/22.5 kg BB & 5 HSPU
B = 20/15 kg BB & 30″ DU practice
Friday 10 January
Warming Up
7 min AMRAP:
Gymnastics – Skills
8 min EMOM:
With a buddy (all IGYG):
For Time:
TC = 30 min
Saturday 11 January
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
Strength -Test: 1 RM Strict Press
In 20 min find your:
*Warm up to your test weight whilst avoiding doing too many sets to ensure you stay away from fatigue. Try to limit attempts to 2-3 times max, with at least 2 min rest between sets.
TC = 20 min
*Aim for 6 min rounds, so choose weights accordingly, shorten the run if you take longer than 2.5 min to complete the 400 m.
Sunday 12 January
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
Then onto 1-2 RFQ:
Weightlifting Technique: Snatch Barbell Cycling
2 min rest / change weights
2 min rest / change weights
*This month we’re going to start practicing barbell cycling again, as the Open is here in less than 2 months! If you are comfortable with the movement, focus on smooth transitions and cycling the bar as fast as you can with control. Beginners, don’t worry so much on the cycling, focus on technique first, maybe scale down the numbers to accommodate this.
50/30/20 reps of:
TC = 20 min
*You need to complete 15 reps/min to complete the RX reps.
I = 45/30/15 – 30/22.5 kg BB – 13.5 reps/min
B = 40/25/15 – alternating V ups & 20/15 kg BB – 12 reps/min
*The good news: after set 1 you’re halfway through the reps :)