Programming week 22

Monday 27 May

Warming Up


  • plank hold
  • seal pass throughs

Then onto:

1-2 sets:

  • 30″ HS hold
  • 5 walkouts with push up
  • 10 sit ups

Gymnastics – HSPU Skills & Core Strength

Every 2 min x 8:

Odd sets:

  • B: 3-5 Negative HSPU or pike push ups
  • I: 5-10 KHSPU
  • A: 10-15 (Deficit) K or SHSPU

Even sets:

  • Accumulate 30-60″ Hollow body rocks or hold



  • 20 deadlifts @ 70/50 kg
  • 15 pull ups
  • 6 wall walks

TC = 20 min

Tuesday 28 May

Warming Up

  • 400 m jog & chat

1-2 sets:

  • 10 scap pull ups
  • 10 squats with 5-10 kg plate

1-2 sets:

  • 10 kip swings
  • 10 plate STOH

1-2 sets:

  • 10 leg raises/TTB
  • 10 plate GTOH

1-2 sets:

  • 10 pull ups
  • 10 plate Pendlay rows

Conditioning – Workout

40 min AMRAP:

  • 50 DB goblet squats
  • 400 m run
  • 40 STOH
  • 400 m run
  • 30 TTB
  • 400 m run
  • 20 renegade rows with push up
  • 400 m run
  • 10 manmakers

Wednesday 29 May

Warming Up

1-2 sets with a PVC:

  • 5 behind the neck presses
  • 5 behind the neck presses in high squat
  • 5 behind the neck presses in low squat

1-2 sets with barbell:

  • 5 OH squats
  • 5 snatch balances
  • 5 tall snatches
  • 5 hang power snatches
  • 5 power snatches

WL – Snatch Complex

In 5-8 sets:

Build to a heavy:

  • 1 Powersnatch, 1 OH squat, 1 Snatch Balance

*Rest as needed between sets. One rep less than last week, aim to go over last weeks weight


Workout – Macho Snatch

15 min EMOM

  • 3 powersnatches, 3 OH squats & 3 snatch balances

RX = 65/47.5 kg

*Aim for 50-70% of the 1RM of your weakest lift.

Thursday 30 May

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10 PVC prone raises
  • 10 PVC shoulder stretch
  • 10 PVC behind the neck presses

With an empty barbell:

  • 5 Jefferson curls
  • 10 good mornings
  • 5 behind the neck presses

Strength – Strict press & Romanian Deadlifts

8 min EMOM

  • Odd sets: 6-8 Strict presses
  • Even sets: 6-8 Romanian deadlifts

*Aim to use the same weights as you’ve been using earlier this month, even with the lower rest



6 rounds for reps:

  • Deadlift high pulls @ 50/35 kg
  • D-ball cleans @ 50/35 kg
  • DB thrusters @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg
  • rest

Friday 31 May

Warming Up

  • 2 min skipping

Then 1-2 sets of:

  • 10/10/10 banded pull aparts at shoulder, hip & OH
  • 30″ hollow body hold
  • 30″ arch body hold

Then 1-2 sets of:

  • 5 arch to hollow snaps

Gymnastics – Kipping/Butterfly Pull Up Skill/Strength

6 min practice: Kipping/Butterfly Skill

  • B: 10 kip swing box drill & 10 Boxed single leg jumping kipping pull ups
  • I/A: 10 kip swings & 10 Boxed single leg jumping butterfly pull ups

6 min practice: Kipping/Butterfly Skill

  • B: 5 kip swings & 5 (half) kipping pull up practice
  • I/A: 5/5 shoulder circles with leg drive & 5-10 butterfly (C2B) pull ups

6 min EMOM: Strength

  • Odd sets: 15-30″ chin over bar hold pronated or supinated grip
  • Even sets: 2 5-10 pull ups or chin ups (use bands if needed)


Workout with a buddy

15 min AMRAP:

  • 8 (legless?) rope climbs
  • 50 DU
  • 8 pullovers or ball ups
  • 50 DU

*All IGYG, divide anyway you want. You can make the ball ups easier in rings.

Saturday 1 June

Warming Up

  • 2 min machine

Conditioning – pacing

On a rower/ski-erg or A/E-bike

  • 4 x 30″ fast pace / 30″ slow pace

Look at watts: aim for double the watts on the fast intervals and half on the slow interval

Rest 3 min

Repeat 2 x for the other 2 machines

The goal is to hold the same watts for all 5 fast intervals



4 x 60″ on / 30″ off

  • 12-10 wallballs into AMRAP row

Rest 2 min

4 x 60″ on / 30″ off

  • 20-16 KB Swings into AMRAP ski erg

Rest 2 min

4 x 60″ on / 30″ off

  • 20-16 box step overs into AMRAP A/E-bike

*Can you hold the same “fast” watts when we add another movement?

The first movement should take about 30″, scale numbers up or down accordingly

Sunday 2 June

Warming Up

  • Blind rowing/ski-ing game

WL – Team workout

  • Warm up the barbell for each movement.


Sunday Funday Chipper with a Buddy

  • 1K-800 m row/ski IGYG
  • 50 OH squats @ 60/40 kg IGYG
  • 25-15 synchronised burpees over BB*
  • 50 snatches IGYG
  • 25-15 synchronised burpees over BB
  • 50 thrusters IGYG
  • 25-15 synchronised burpees over BB
  • 50 clusters IGYG
  • 25-15 synchronised burpees over BB
  • 50 clean & jerks IGYG
  • 25-15 synchronised burpees over BB
  • 1K-800 m row/ski IGYG

TC = 40 min

*burpees have to be done in max 2 min, choose a number that is challenging but doable

I = 40/25 kg

B = 27.5 / 15 kg