Programming week 23

Monday 3 June

Warming Up

1-2 Sets:

  • 5/5 Squat & Reaches
  • 30″/30″ Doorway Stretch

1-2 sets:

  • 10 KB Goblet Squats
  • 5/5 KB SA Row


Strength – Front Squats & SA DB Row

8 min EMOM

  • Even sets: 6-8 Front Squats
  • Odd sets: 6-8/6-8 SA DB Row



3 RFT:

  • 15 KB/DB deadlifts @ 32/24 kg (H)
  • 150 m farmer carries – (H)
  • 400 m run

TC = 15 min

Tuesday 4 June

Warming Up

1-2 sets

  • 15 PVC prone raises
  • 10/10 banded lat raises
  • 10 scap pull ups into 30″ dead hang
  • 60″ skipping


Gymnastics Skills – Butterfly/Kipping Pull Up

3-4 RFQ:

  • 5-15 Butterfly or Kipping pull ups
  • 30-60″ (Weighted) Plank Hold

*Rest as needed


2-3 RFQ:

  • 5-10 Strict Pull Ups
  • 60″ rest

*Use bands to make at least 5 reps, add weight if 10 reps is easy



20 min AMRAP:

  • 30-60-90-120-etc DU or crossovers
  • 3-6-9-12-etc wall walks

*Every 2nd min: 8 alt DB snatches @ 1 x 22.5/15 kg

Wednesday 5 June

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 thread the needle with overhead reach – thoracic openers
  • 30″Prayer stretch

Then with an empty barbell:

  • 5 snatch pulls
  • 5 OH squats
  • 5 drop snatches
  • 5 muscle snatches
  • 5 power snatches
  • 5 squat snatches


Weightlifting – Snatch

In 5-6 sets: build to a max for the day:

  • 5-3 snatches

Beginners go for 5 reps, more advanced go for 3’s

Then onto:

90″ x 5

  • 5 snatches with final weight (B)
  • 3 snatches with final weight (A)

2 min rest

75″ x 5

  • 3 snatches in singles (B)
  • 2 snatches in singles (A)

2 min rest

5 min EMOM

  • 2 snatches in singles (B)
  • 1 snatch (A)

*Keep the same weight over all sets.



21 – 15 – 9 reps of:

  • Deadlifts 100/70 kg
  • Burpees over BB

TC = 10 min

I = 70/50 kg

B = 40 / 30 kg

Thursday 6 June

Warming Up

2 sets:

  • 10 scap pull ups
  • 5 cal machine

2 sets:

  • 10 kip swings
  • 10 box jumps

2 sets:

  • 10 leg raises/TTB
  • 10 wall balls



Do a test round – try to hold a higher pace than you normally would in a 40 min WOD without rest. You have 2 min rest after every 5 min, and movements aren’t high skill today so try to push the pace a bit.



5 min AMRAP

  • 15 TTB vs 15/12 cal ski

2 min rest

5 min AMRAP

  • 15 box jump overs vs 15/12 cal echo/assault bike

2 min rest

5 min AMRAP

  • 15 wall balls vs 15/12 cal row

2 min rest

X2 – so the total workload is 6 rounds of 5 min

Friday 7 June

Warming Up

1 round

  • 10 burpees over partner
  • 10 kang squats vs 10 kip swings

1 round:

  • 10 burpees over partner
  • 10 power cleans versus 10 KB swings

1 round:

  • 10 burpee over buddy
  • 10 front squats versus 5/5 SA KB OH press

Strength / Conditioning

Get your stuff ready, decide on your battle plan.

Workout – HERO WOD “EOD 133”

For time (with a partner):

  • 65 Front squats (From Rack) 60/42KG
  • 65 Kettlebell swings 32/24KG
  • 16 partner over burpees
  • 400 M Run
  • 65 Hang power cleans 60/42Kg
  • 65 Single arm Kettlebell presses 24/16KG
  • 16 partner over burpees
  • 400 M Run
  • 65 C2B
  • 65 Box Jumps
  • 16 partner over burpees
  • 400 M Run
  • 65 Push ups
  • 65 Pendlay barbell Rows
  • 16 partner over burpees

TC = 40 min

Saturday 8 June

Warming Up

7 min AMRAP:

  • 30″ plank hold
  • 10/10/10 wrist leans in 3 directions
  • 30″ shoulder taps in plank
  • 1 round Gymnastics swimming

Gymnastics – Handstand Skills

3-4 RFQ:

  • 5-15 m HS walk / I: HS walk to wall or with buddy / B: HS kick ups or 30-60″ HS hold
  • 1 Round Durante Core (5-10″ or reps per movement)

* Rest as needed

2-3 RFQ:

  • 3-5 Wall Walks
  • 60″ Rest



10 min EMOM

  1.  “X” BMU/C2B/pull up/TTB
  2.  3-6 devil presses @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg

X = is a challenging but sustainable number you can keep up for all 5 rounds. Spend some time warming up your gymnastics movement on the rig and do a test round to ensure your theory is correct. If all bar skills are difficult, take it easy on the devil presses so you can focus on the skill. Go light on the weight or maybe skip them completely or replace for easy row/bike in between

Sunday 9 June

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 banded lat raises
  • 10/10 m walk with KB OH hold

1-2 sets:

  • 5 inchworms
  • 5 strict presses
  • 5 strict presses in jerk stance


Weightlifting – Jerks

  • 3 x 8 push presses
  • 3 x 6 push jerks
  • 3 x 4 split jerks

*Build weight over all sets



For time:

  • 30 clean & jerks @ L – sets of 7-8 when fresh
  • 20 clean & jerks @ M – sets of 5 when fresh
  • 10 clean & jerks @ H – sets of 2-3 when fresh

TC = 15 min

*Every min = 7 air squats

You have 5 min per set. So aim for 6 reps/min on the light weight, 4 reps on the medium and 2 reps with the heavy weight.