Programming week 24

Monday 10 June

Warming Up

  • Running drills trainer’s choice

Conditioning – Pacing Running

  • 90″ recovery pace
  • 60″ moderate pace
  • 15″ sprint

x 6



3 RFT:

  • 20 Wall Balls
  • 30 Alt DB Snatches @ 1 x 22.5/15 kg

1 min rest


  • 20 Double DB Burpee Deadlifts @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg
  • 30 m Walking Lunges @ 1 x 22.5/15 kg

TC = 18 min

Tuesday 11 June

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 5/5 inward knee rotations in deep squat
  • 5/5 World’s Greatest Stretches

1-2 sets:

  • 5/5 lunge matrix
  • 10 good mornings

Strength: Back Squats

For quality 3-4 sets:

  • 8 Back Squats
  • 30″ rest
  • 12 Front Foot Elevated Split Squats
  • 30″ rest
  • 16 Sissy Squats



6 min AMRAP

  • 5-10-15-20-25-30-etc TTB or V-ups – add 5 reps each set
  • 30-60-90-120-etc SU/DU – add 20-30 reps each set

3 min rest

6 min AMRAP

  • etc-30-25-20-15-10-5 TTB of V-ups
  • etc-120-90-60-30 SU/DU

*In the second AMRAP you start where you finished in the first AMRAP and work your way back down to 0 before the 6 min are up. So for example if you got to 25 TTB and only 90 of 150 DU of that set, you start in the second AMRAP with 90 DU, then 25 TTB, then 120 DU, 20 TTB and so on.

Wednesday 12 June

Warming Up

In threes:


  • 30″ hollow body hold
  • 30″ arch body hold


  • 60″ row


  • 60″ AMRAP 10 scapula pull ups into 15″ dead hang

x 2 rounds

Gymnastics Skills – Butterfly/Kipping Pull Up

3-4 RFQ:

  • 5-15 Butterfly or Kipping pull ups
  • 30-60″ (Weighted) Plank Hold

*Rest as needed


2-3 RFQ:

  • 5-10 Strict Pull Ups
  • 60″ rest

*Use bands to make at least 5 reps, add weight if 10 reps is easy



4-5 rounds

  • 500/400 m row
  • 1 round DT @ 70/50 kg

*Start a new set every 6 min – Make teams of 3 and choose a distance on the rower that enables you to complete under 2 min, so every 2 min the next athlete can start

*DT = 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 STOH

*Beginners do 4 rounds with lighter weight, advanced athletes 5

Thursday 13 June

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 Lateral Raises
  • 5/5 External Rotations

Then with a PVC or empty barbell:

  • 5 behind the neck presses
  • 5 behind the neck presses in high squat
  • 5 behind the neck presses in deep squat

With an empty barbell:

  • 5 OH squats
  • 5 snatch pulls
  • 5 tall power snatches
  • 5 hang power snatches
  • 5 power snatches
  • 5 squat snatches

Weightlifting – Snatches

In 5-6 sets: build to a max for the day:

  • 5-3 snatches

Beginners go for 5 reps, more advanced go for 3’s

Then onto:

75″ x 5

  • 5 snatches with final weight (B)
  • 3 snatches with final weight (A)

2 min rest

5 min EMOM

  • 3 snatches in singles (B)
  • 2 snatches in singles (A)

2 min rest

Every 45″ x 5

  • 2 snatches in singles (B)
  • 1 snatch (A)

*Keep the same weight over all sets.


Workout – conditioning

  • 2 x 1K for time
  • 60″ rest between intervals

I =

  • 2 x 800 m run for time
  • 60″ rest between intervals

B =

  • 1 x 800 m
  • 60″ rest
  • 1 x 400 m run

Can’t run? Same intervals on machines

Friday 14 June

Warming Up

  • 2 min machine

Then 2 sets:

  • 15 Air Squats
  • 20 Plate GTOH
  • 60″ D-ball hold

*Take heavier plate/D-ball for second set

Conditioning with a D-ball

For time with a buddy:

  • 60 D-ball squats IGYG
  • 100 m D-ball carry IGYG
  • 1K row/ski 2K E/A bike
  • 40 D-ball to shoulder IGYG
  • 100 m D-ball carry IGYG
  • 1K ski/row/ 2K E/A bike
  • 20 D-ball GTOH IGYG
  • 100 m D-ball carry IGYG
  • 2K E/A bike 1K ski/row

TC = 40 min

Saturday 15 June

The Eindhoven Throwdown! The gym is closed for classes & open gym but come and cheer on our athletes!

Sunday 16 June

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 5 Inchworms
  • 10/10 Lateral straight arm pull downs

1-2 sets with empty barbell:

  • 10 Romanian Deadlifts
  • 10 Bent Over Rows (pulling bar to crease of hip)

Strength: Deadlift

For quality 3-4 sets:

  • 8 Deadlifts
  • 30″ rest
  • 12 DB SLDL
  • 30″ rest
  • 16 Banded Hamcurls


Workout – “Batman & Robin”

For Time (with a Partner)

  • 100 Burpees
  • 200 Double-Unders or 300 Single Unders
  • 50 Pull-Ups
  • 100 Calorie Air Bike

TC = 20 min