Monday 27 January
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
Strength – Legs & Press
3-4 RFQ:
For time:
Intermediate =
2 RFT:
Beginner =
4 RFT:
TC = 23 min
Tuesday 28 January
Warming Up
7 min AMRAP:
Gymnastics Test – RETEST Pull Up Capacity
10 min AMRAP:
RX: C2B Pull Ups
I+: Pull Ups (no bands)
I: Banded Pull Ups (thin red/turqoise, medium blue/black, thick green bands only.
B: Jumping Pull Ups & Line Facing Down Ups
*This is a test, which means you are not allowed to choose any other options than the ones mentioned here
20 min EMOM
Intermediate: 3-5 D-ball to/over shoulder @ 50/35 kg, 2 x 20/15 kg, 10/8 Cals
Beginner: 3-5 D-ball to/over shoulder @ 30/20 kg, 2 x 15/10 kg, 8/6 Cals
This EMOM is all about moving heavier loads than you want to. Challenge yourself on the weight of the DB/D-ball and scale down numbers if you need to. Aim to have at least 20″ rest in each interval.
Wednesday 29 January
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
Strength: Press & Legs
.3-4 RFQ:
*Keep 0-1 reps in reserve, rest as needed.
Workout – Open workout 24.2
20 min AMRAP:
♀ 125 lb (56 kg)
♂ 185 lb (83 kg)
Thursday 30 January
Warming Up
7 min AMRAP:
Gymnastics Test – RETEST Pull Up Capacity
10 min AMRAP:
RX: C2B Pull Ups
I+: Pull Ups (no bands)
I: Banded Pull Ups (thin red/turqoise, medium blue/black, thick green bands only.
B: Jumping Pull Ups & Line Facing Down Ups
This is a test, which means you are not allowed to choose any other options than the ones mentioned here
If you have already done this test and do not wish to repeat it complete the following training:
3-4 RFQ:
*Strict presses close to failure, keep 2-3 reps in reserve for the Z-press and focus on core stability
3 attempts to find a max rep D-ball Squats after completing:
*Flow: 3-4 athletes go at the same time. They first complete the walking lunges, V-ups and then pick up the heaviest D-ball they can carry and perform as many Squats in (bearhug hold) as they can with tired legs and a fried core.
Score is reps & weight of the D-ball/SB
Friday 31 January
Warming Up
1-2 Sets:
Weightlifting Technique – Clean & Jerk
2 min rest / change weights
2 min rest / change weights
* If you are comfortable with the movement, focus on smooth transitions and cycling the bar as fast as you can with control. Beginners, don’t worry so much on the cycling, focus on technique first, maybe scale down the numbers to accommodate this.
Rest 2 min
Then 5-10 min (depending on how much time is left) to continue building to the heaviest clean of the day
*Your score is the heaviest weight succesfully lifted.
Workout – Now you See me – Lowlands 2022 Classic event
4 rounds for time:
TC = 18 min
In teams of 3-4, 3 means less rest. Sync has to be with the KB in the OH position.
I = 900 meter & 24/16 kg
B = 800 meter & 16/8 kg
Saturday 1 February
Buddy Games, no open gym or classes except for yoga. Come cheer our athletes on!
Sunday 2 February
Warming Up
Then onto 1-2 RFQ:
Conditioning – Workout
Every 7 min x 6
Set 1, 3, 5:
Set 2, 4, 6:
*Ensure you can complete the run in 2.5 min, otherwise cut the lap short. Ideally the run should take 2-2.5 min, KBS 1 min, the gymnastics movement max 2 min, to ensure you have at least 1.5-2 min rest each set.
Scaling suggestions:
I = 24/16 kg KB, 8 BMU or 16 (alternating) TTB and 15 C2B or 15 regular pull ups
B = 16/12 kg KB, 16 Leg Raises/V-ups, 15 Ring Rows