Monday 10 February
Warming Up
1-2 sets with PVC / EB:
Then onto 1-2 sets with EB:
Weightlifting Technique – Snatch Complex
Build up to a heavy complex:
Then continue building the weight:
Then continue building the weight:
15 min AMRAP:
RX = Pistol squats & 32/24 kg
I = Skater squats & 24/16 kg
B = Toe supported SL Squats & 16/12 kg
Tuesday 11 February
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
Strength – Press & Accessory
3-4 RFQ:
*Strict presses to failure, keep 1-2 reps in reserve for the Z-press and focus on core stability. Z-presses with a barbell from this week onwards.
20 min AMRAP
Wednesday 12 February
Warming Up
In pairs:
*Before starting do a test set of 20″ to see how much distance you cover on each machine.
For time:
Rest 3 min
Rest 3 min
*Work in pairs with someone about the same fitness as you are. This is important to ensure each partner has about the same work and rest time. P1 starts with the first 250 m interval while P2 rests. P2 then completes 250 m while P1 rests until they’ve accumulated 2K in total. So each partner does 4 sets. 3 min rest, then repeat for the ski erg. To account for spillover calories (and to ensure each buddy does exactly 250 m per set) set the rower to 250 m intervals with undefined rest.
*Keep an eye on your pace and s/m. Try to keep these metrics as constant as possible. Hold a high, but sustainable pace.
Thursday 13 February
Warming Up
2 RFQ:
Strength – Press & Legs
8-6-4-2 reps of:
*Build weight as reps go down.
Workout – Open workout 24.3
All for time:
5 rounds of:
Rest 1 minute, then:
5 rounds of:
TC = 15 min
♀ 65, 95 lb (29, 43 kg)
♂ 95, 135 lb (43, 61 kg)
*Pretend this is the open, so if at all possible try to stick to the workout as prescribed, even if that means doing the C2B’s in singles. If you are unable to do a chest to bar without bands, use bands and go for regular pull ups or jumping pull ups and scale the BMU to a jumping BMU.
Friday 14 February
Warming Up
7 min AMRAP:
30″ ON / 60″ OFF x 8
Workout – Fun one to do with your Valentine :)
3 RFT:
TC = 30 min
Saturday 15 February
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
Strength – Legs & Press
3-4 RFQ:
2′ ON / 1′ OFF x 5
DT = 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans & 6 STOH
*Score is total wallwalks or meters HS walk collected in all 5 sets
Sunday 16 February
Warming Up
1-2 RFQ:
Then onto:
Weightlifting Technique
Clean & Jerk Complex
Build up to a heavy complex:
Then continue building the weight:
Then continue building the weight:
Workout – Mikko’s Triangle
20 min EMOM
*Set a single number of calories and complete that amount of work each minute – every minute.
RX = 20/17 Cal
I = 15/12 Cal
B = 10/8 Cal