Programming week 31

Monday 29 July

Warming Up

Running Drills Trainer’s Choice

Conditioning – Pacing Running

  • 3 min recovery pace
  • 2 min moderate pace
  • 1 min fast pace

x 4-6

24-36 min



3 RFQ:

20 m DB (hold anyway you like) or BB walking lunges for max load

10 D-bal deadlifts straight into D-ball hold for max time

*Rest as needed between sets

Tuesday 30 July

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 External Elbow Rotations
  • 5/5 Banded Pull Aparts
  • 5/5/5/5 Banded Lat Pull Downs

Onto 1-2 sets:

  • 5 Inchworms
  • 10 (Incline) Push Ups

Strength: Bench Press

For quality 3-4 sets:

  • 3 Bench Press

30″ rest

  • 6 DB SA OH press

30″ rest

  • 10 Lateral raises



Best of 3 attempts:

  • 500 m row/ski for time

*Stick to one machine – you get 3 attempts to set the fastest time. Take at least 4 min rest between attempts

Wednesday 31 July

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 30″ plank hold
  • 10 Air Squats

1-2 sets:

  • Plank matrix (5-10″ Side plank R, plank, side plank L, reverse plank)
  • 10/10 ATG Split Squats

Gymnastics – HSPU & SL Squats

3 RFQ:

  • 24 alternating Pistols or Skater squats (advanded: alternate pistol with skater squat)
  • 30-45″ (weighted?) side plank L / R


Workout Prep

  • In 12-15 min warm up barbell for deadlifts


Workout – “Diane”


  • Deadlifts @ 102/70 kg
  • HSPU

TC = 12 min

Intermediate = 70/47.5 kg & push ups

Beginner = 42.5/30 kg & incline push ups

Thursday 1 August

Warming Up

  • Running Drills Trainer’s Choice

Conditioning – Test: 3 or 5 K run for time

Test: 3 or 5 K run for time

Beginners: 3K

Intermediate 5K

Advanced: 5K aiming for 25-20 min



3 RFQ:

  • 40 m farmer or yoke carries for max load
  • Max set of SB squats @ 50./35 kg

*Rest as needed between movements and sets

Friday 2 August

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 30″ OH Thoracic Opener
  • 30″ Downward dog to Upward Dog

Then with an EB:

  • 5 Behind the Neck OH Presses
  • 5 Elbow Rotations with BB OH
  • 5 OH Squats
  • 5 Drop Snatches
  • 5 High Hang Squat Snatches
  • 5 Hang Squat Snatches


Warm up barbell for the snatches. The BB should feel medium/heavy. For advanced athletes close to 80% of 1RM. Set up 2 separate barbells if necessary to challenge each partner at their level.


For time:


  • Snatches IGYG – M-H


  • Buddy Wall Balls
  • Synchro Burpees Over Barbell

TC = 30 min

RX = start at 12 – 10-11 reps / min 

I = start at 11 – 8-9 reps / min

B = start at 10 – 7-8 reps / min

Saturday 3 August

Warming Up

  • 2 min machine

Then 1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 SL Glute Bridges
  • 10 Ring Rows
  • 5 Walkouts with Heel Tap

Strength – Hip Thrusters and Pendlay Rows

3-4 RFQ:

  • 8-12 Hip Thrusters
  • 8-12 Pendlay Rows

*Start a new set every 4 min & try to build weight across all sets



For time:

  • 30 DBL DB OH Box Step Ups / sc: one arm OH and one FR
  • 30 DBL DB Burpee Deadlifts / sc: Down Up Deadlifts

On 0:00 and every min: 5-8 V-ups

TC = 10 min

RX = 2 x 22.5/15 kg & 8 V-ups

I = 2 x 15/10 kg & 6 V-ups

B = 2 x 10/7.5 kg & 5 V-ups

Sunday 4 August

Warming Up

  • 2 min Skipping

Then 2-3 RFQ:

  • 10″/10″ Rope Hang
  • 20-30″ Side plank L
  • 5/5 Rope Pull Ups (Toe Supported)
  • 20-30″ Side Plank R

Gymnastics – Rope Climbs & Copenhagen Plank

3-4 RFQ:

  • 2-3 (legless?) Rope climbs / beginner option 3-5 toes to rope and 3 attempt to make a clamp on the rope
  • 30-45″ Copenhagen plank L
  • 8-12 (beginner) incline or (advanced) deficit push ups
  • 30-45″ Copenhagen plank R

*Rest as needed. Choose movements and rep ranges that are challenging and only just doable.



15 min AMRAP

6 – 10 – 14 – 18 – 22 – etc reps of:

  • Pull ups – add 4 reps each round

3 – 5 – 7 – 9 – 11 – etc reps of:

  • HS Walk or Wall Walks – add 2 m or reps each round

30 – 50 – 70 – 90 – 110 – etc reps of:

  • DU/SU – add 20 reps each round