Programming Week 34

Monday 19 August

Warming Up

3 min AMRAP:


  • Burpees
  • Air Squats

Then with an empty barbell onto:

  • 5 Deadlifts
  • 5 Front Squats
  • 5 Tall Cleans
  • 5 Muscle Cleans
  • 5 Power Cleans
  • 5 Strict Presses
  • 5 Push Presses

Weightlifting Workout – with a Buddy

4 RFT:

  • 3 sets DT in IGYG @ 70/50 kg Barbell
  • 10 Synchronised Burpees Over Barbell
  • 40 Front squats IGYG @ 70/50 kg Barbell
  • 10 synchronised Burpees over Barbell

TC = 35 min

I = 50/35 kg Barbell & 8 Burpees Over BB – 35 Front Squats

B = 30/20 kg Barbell & 7 Down Ups Over BB – 30 Back squats instead of front squats

DT = 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power clean, 6 STOH

Back squats can be taken from the rack – front squats have to be cleaned from the floor

*Choose weights that enable 1 round DT /min

Burpees < 1 min

Front Squats: 2-3 min

Tuesday 20 August

Warming Up

7 min AMRAP:

  • 10 EB Glute Bridges
  • 10 EB Pendlay Rows
  • 5 Walkouts With Heel Tap
  • 60″ Machine

Strength: Hip Thrusters & Pendlay Rows

3-4 RFQ:

  • 18 Hip Thrusters
  • 18 Pendlay Rows

*Start a new set every 4 min & try to build weight across all sets. If you did this session last time, try to maintain the same weight or build.



15 min AMRAP

  • 6 Devil Presses @ 2 x 25/17.5 kg
  • 12 HSPU or HR push ups
  • 18 Cal machine

*Heavy devil presses combined with HSPU to build some HSPU endurance. The machine is just there to give your shoulders a break. Make sure to use your legs properly on the devil presses to save some juice for the HSPU. For advanced athletes the DB should be so heavy you can’t do all 6 reps unbroken.

Wednesday 21 August

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 Ankle Slides
  • 10 Scapula Pull Ups

Onto 1-2 Sets:

  • 5/5 Cossack Squats
  • 10 Kip Swings

Onto 1-2 Sets:

  • 10 Pistols Down On One Foot / Up On Both Feet
  • 10 Knee/Leg Raises

Gymnastics – TTB & Pistols

12 min EMOM

  1. X TTB
  2. X Alternating Pistols
  3. 10 (Pike) Push Ups

*Choose numbers for “X” that are challenging but doable in max 30″. The push ups are just there to make this an active rest.



For time:

21-15-9 reps of

  • (C2B) Pull Ups
  • SB Squats @ 50/35 kg or Goblet Squats

TC = 12 min

Thursday 22 August

Warming Up


  • Down Ups
  • Lunge Steps

Then 2-3 sets:

  • 10 KB Swings*
  • 5 Shuttle Runs
  • 5/5 KB Lunge Steps*

*Take a heavier weight each set

Conditioning Workout

3 rounds:

4 min AMRAP


  • Burpee pull ups
  • Shuttle runs (one rep = 5 m there and back)

2 min rest

4 min AMRAP


  • KB Swings @ 28/20 kg
  • KB Walking Lunge (in m) @ 28/20 kg

2 min rest

*Go outside if weather is nice – aim for more reps each round so don’t start too fast!

Friday 23 August

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 30″ Thoracic Opener Stretch
  • 10 Squat & OH Reaches @ 2 x 2.5/1.25

Then with an empty barbell onto:

  • 5 Snatch Deadlifts
  • 5 Paused High Hang Snatch Pulls (Pause at Crease of Hip)
  • 5 Paused Hang Snatch Pulls (Pause Above Knee & Crease of Hip)
  • 5 Paused Low Hang Snatch Pulls (Pause Below Knee Cap, Above Knee Cap & Crease of Hip)
  • 3 Paused Power Snatches (Same Pauses As Previous Drill)


Weightlifting – Snatch Technique “Pull focus”

Work up to a heavy:

  • 2 High Hang Snatches & 2 Hang Snatches

Then onto:

  • 2 Hang Snatches & 2 Low Hang Snatches

Then onto:

  • 2 Low Hang Snatches & 1 Snatch


With a buddy:

3 x 6 min AMRAP / 2 min rest between sets

  • 12 OH Squats IGYG @ 42.5/30 kg – L
  • 6 Wall Walks Synchro
  • 12 Burpee Box Jump Overs IGYG

*Don’t go too heavy on the OHSQ, they will feel tough because of the other 2 movements anyway. Athletes limited by mobility perform overhead (alternating) lunges or front squats. Start your next AMRAP where you finished the previous one. Score is total reps in 3 rounds.

Saturday 24 August

Warming Up

1-2 Sets:

  • 10 Backward Lunge Steps With OH Reach @ 2 x 2.5/1.25 kg
  • 5 x 3-Way Shoulder Press Matrix @ 2 x 2.5/1.25 kg

Then Onto:

1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 Step Back Lunges with Plates OH @ 2 x 2.5/1.25 kg
  • 10 OH Presses in Split Stance @ 2 x 2.5/1.25 kg

Strength: Step Back BB Lunges & DB OH Press

3-4 RFQ:

  • 18 Step Back BB Lunges
  • 18 DB OH Presses

*Start a new set every 4 min & try to build weight across all sets. If you did this session last time, try to maintain the same weight or build.



3-4 RFT:

  • 75 DU/SU
  • 25 DBL DB Deadlifts @ 2×22.5-15 kg
  • 25 V-ups / alternating V-ups

TC = 12 min

*Aim for 3 min rounds, if you finish round 3 before 9 min, go for 4 rounds

Sunday 25 August

Warming Up

  • 1 Round Gymnastics Swimming

Then 7 min AMRAP:

  • 10 Downward Dog to Upward Dog
  • 5-10 (Pike for round 2?) Push Ups
  • 10 KB Gorilla Rows (Build Weight Each Round)

Gymnastics – HSPU & Pull Up

15 min EMOM

  1. X HSPU
  2. X Pull Ups
  3. 15 Air Squats

*Choose numbers for “X” that are challenging but doable in max 30″. The air squats are just there to give your upper body a break.



In teams of 3-4:

Buy in:

  • 60 Calories Row IGYG

Then P1 & P2 in IGYG:

5 RFT:

  • 10 Synchronised Box Jumps
  • 15 Buddy Sit Ups With High Five
  • 4 (Legless?) Rope Climbs or 6 Floor climbs IGYG

P3 (&P4):

  • AMRAP D-ball to/over shoulder IGYG

Cash out:

  • 60 Calories Row IGYG

TC = 18 min

*Aim for less than 2 min rounds – alternate buddies whenever you want