Programming week 37

Monday 9 September

Warming Up

  • 2 min machine easy pace

1-2 RFQ:

  • 30″ / 30″ KB Hip opener
  • 10/10 KB Halo’s

Then onto 1-2 RFQ:

  • 10 Kang Squats
  • 10 Ring Rows

Strength: Back Squat & Pull Up

5 sets build weight across sets:

  • 2 x 10 Back Squats
  • 2 x 8 Back Squats
  • 1 x 6 Back Squats

Between each set:

  • 3-6 strict Chin Ups


6 x 2′ ON/1′ OFF

Set 1, 3 & 5:

  • 18/15 Calories Machine
  • AMRAP Burpees to Target

Set 2, 4 & 6:

  • 18 Burpees to Target
  • AMRAP Calories Machine

*The goal is to keep performance steady across all sets. Don’t start too hot to avoid burning up before the end of the 6 sets.

Intermediate = 15/12 calories & 15 burpees

Beginner = 12/10 calories & 12 burpees

Tuesday 10 September

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10 Samson Stretches
  • 30″ Preacher stretch

Then 1-2 sets with empty barbell:

  • 5 behind the neck push press
  • 5 drop snatches
  • 5 OH squats
  • 5 Tall snatches (try to catch lower each rep)
  • 5 Hang snatches (try to catch lower each rep)
  • 5 Snatches (try to catch lower each rep)

Weightlifting: Snatch “Catch” Focus

  • 2 x 5 powersnatches with 1″ pause in catch
  • 2 x 3 powersnatches with 1″ pause in catch & 2 OH squats
  • 2 x 5 squatsnatches with 1″ pause in catch

*If squat snatches are tough, try to catch as high as you need to find stability and then squat through to full depth


5 RFT:

  • 21 TTB or V-ups
  • 7 Devil Clean & Press @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg

TC = 15 min


I = 15 TTB & 2 x 15/10 kg

B = 15-21 V-ups & 2 x 10/7.5 kg


Time Domains

TTB <1.15

Devil Presses +- 1 min

Aim for 2.5 min rounds

Wednesday 11 September

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10 90″/90″ stretch
  • 10 PVC lat stretch on bench

Then 1-2 sets

  • 5/5 ATG Split Squats
  • 10 SL Deadlifts
  • 10 EB Front squats

Strength: Squat Accessory

3-4 RFQ:

  • 8 Front squats
  • 8/8 FFE Split squats
  • 8 DBL DB Good Mornings

*Aim for heavier weights than last week


For time:

  • 180 KB Swings @ 28/24 kg

On 0:00 and every min:

  • RX = 5 pull ups
  • I = 3 pull ups – 20/16 kg
  • B = 3 jumping pull ups – 12/8 kg

TC = 12 min

*Aim for 15-20 swings per min. Your grip may suffer more than you think at first glance.

Thursday 12 September

Warming Up

  • 400 m jog & chat

1-2 sets:

  • 10 down ups
  • 10 KB alternating C&P
  • 10 box step/jump overs
  • 5/5 KB OH step back lunges
  • 5/5 SA Thrusters

Conditioning Workout

40 min AMRAP:

  • 400 m run
  • 20 Burpee box jump/step overs
  • 400 m run
  • 20 KB Alternating Clean & Press into Step Back Lunge
  • 400 m run
  • 40 Box step overs
  • 400 m run
  • 40 KB SA Thrusters

Friday 13 September

Warming Up

3 min AMRAP

1-2-3-4-5 reps of:

  • Burpees or down ups
  • Shuttle runs

Flow: 1 burpee, 1 shuttle run, 2 burpees, 2 shuttle runs etc.

Then 1-2 sets:

  • 5 Walkouts with Push Up
  • 10/10 Sumo squat sways
  • 10 KB RDLs

Strength: Romanian Deadlifts & DB Bench Press

3-4 RFQ:

  • 10 RDL’s
  • 10 DBL DB Bench Press

*Tempo = 3-0-X-1 so 3″ eccentric on both movements, aim to go heavier than last week


18 min AMRAP with a buddy:

  • 40 HSPU IGYG / (Pike) Push ups
  • 20 Burpee shuttle runs synchro (7.5 m)
  • 20 m (buddy) HS Walk or 10 sync wall walks
  • 10 Suicide runs (40 m) IGYG

Saturday 14 September

Warming Up

2 RFQ:

  • 60″ machine
  • 30″ active hang (kip swings for second round)
  • 10 (alternating) V-ups
  • 10 Ring Rows


Every 2 min x 6

  1. RX = 3-5 BMU / I = 3-5 3 position jumping BMU / B = 5-10 Kipping Knee/Leg Raises
  2. RX = 10-15 TTB / I = 8-12 TTB/Alternating TTB / B = 10 Toes To Rig

*Rest as needed – @coaches see gymnastics programming for links in jumping BMU progressions


For time:

  • 1000/800 m Row/Ski
  • 3 rounds Macho Man @ 50/35 kg – L
  • 1000/800 m Row/Ski
  • 2 rounds Macho Man @ 70/50 kg – M
  • 1000/800 m Row/Ski
  • 1 round Macho Man @ 90/65 kg – H

TC = 22 min

I = 45/30 – 55/40 – 65/50 kg

B = 20/15 – 30/20 – 40/25 kg

Macho man = 3 powercleans, 3 front squats & 3 STOH

Sunday 15 September

Warming Up

1-2 RFQ:

  • 15 Calf Raises (elevate toes for round 2)
  • 30″ Deep Goblet Squat Hold with KB

Then onto: 2 RFQ:

  • 20″ chin over bar hold (toe supported if needed)
  • 10 KB/DB Goblet Squats

Strength: Back Squat & Pull Up

5 sets build weight across sets:

  • 1 x 10 Back Squats
  • 2 x 8 Back Squats
  • 2 x 6 Back Squats

Between each set:

  • 3-6 strict Chin Ups

*Look at the weights from last week and try to build from there. For the chin ups: stick with the same number as last week and add weight or use thinner bands to increase difficulty.


For time:

  • 250 DU/SU

Every time you break: 1 Round Nancy = 

  • 400m run
  • 15 DB OH squat

TC = 21 min

*Outside if the weather is nice. Choose a number for the skipping that you think you can complete in max 5 sets.

RX = 250 DU – 1 x 22.5/15 kg

I = 160 DU –  1 x 15/10 kg

B = 250 SU – 1 x 10/7.5 kg