Programming week 41

Monday 7 October

Warming Up

1-2 RFQ:

  • 10 RDL’s with Foam Roller between wrists and upper legs
  • 10 banded I, T, Y raises

Then onto:

  • 10 Barbell Upright Rows
  • 10 Romanian Deadlifts with an empty barbell
  • 5 Walkouts With a Push Up

Strength: Romanian Deadlifts & DB Bench Press

8 x 90″

  1. 8 RDL’s
  2. 8 DBL DB Bench presses

*Fewer reps than last week so aim for heavier weights. Same tempo (3-1-X-1)


2′ on / 2′ off x 6

For reps:

Set 1, 3 & 5:

  • 5 Powersnatches @ 42.4/30 kg
  • 5 Burpees over BB

Set 2, 4 & 6

  • 5 OH Squats @ 42.5/30 kg
  • 5 Burpees over BB

*Score is total reps completed over all sets. Short intervals with a W:R ratio of 1:1, so push the pace harder than you want to.

I = 30/20 kg

B = 20/15 kg, hang powersnatches instead of full snatches

Tuesday 8 October

Warming Up

2 RFQ:

  • 60″ machine
  • 30″ active hang (kip swings for second round)
  • 10 (alternating) V-ups
  • 10 Ring Rows

Gymnastics: Bar Skills

Every 4 min x 4

  • 5 BMU
  • 15 TTB

Easy machine for remainder of time. Bonus points for taking the ski/rower



  • 5 jumping BMU or 10 (C2B) pull ups
  • 15-10 (alternating) TTB

Easy machine for remainder of time. Bonus points for taking the ski/rower



Every 4 min x 4

  • 10-15 Cone kip swings
  • 5-10 (banded) kipping pull ups
  • 10-15 Banded TTB/Knee raises

Rest remainder of time


For time:

  • 500 DU

* At 0:00 and every min: 3 D-ball to/over shoulder @ 50/35 kg

TC = 10 min

I = 300 DU, 2 D-ball to/over shoulder @ 50/35 kg

B = 10 min EMOM – 3 Plate GTOH @ 25/20 kg & DU practice rest of the minute

Wednesday 9 October

Warming Up

  • 10/10 leg swings
  • 5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch

Then onto 1-2 sets:

  • 10 EB good mornings
  • 10 EB back squats
  • 10 EB Bent over Row

Strength: Back Squat & Pull Up

Back Squats

  • 2 x 5 @ 70%
  • 2 x 5 @ 75%
  • 1 x 3 @ 80%

Superset with 5 strict Pull Ups (use bands/weights to ensure you can do just 5).


18 Min AMRAP:

  • 400 m run
  • 25 American KB Swings @ 28/20 kg
  • 12 HSPU

The HSPU is the highest skill movement here. Try to challenge yourself on this movement. Keep sets short and manageable. Scaling options are to use an abmat or do (pike) push ups (with feet on a box)

Intermediate: 12 Pike Push ups (with feet elevated)

Beginner 12 (Incline) Push Ups

Thursday 10 October

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 leg swings
  • 30″/30″ Front Rack stretch

Then onto:

  • 5 Clean Deadlifts
  • 5 Standing High Pulls
  • 5 Front Squats


  • 5 Muscle Cleans & strict presses
  • 5 Power Cleans & Push Presses
  • 5 Squat Cleans & Split Jerks


5 min EMOM

  • 2 hang (squat) clean & jerks @ 60-70%

2 min rest

5 x 90″

  • 3 (squat) clean & jerks @ 75-80 %

*Add weight for the last EMOM, always try to find the heaviest weight you can still move with good form


30-20-10 reps of:

  • Box Jump Overs
  • Devil Presses @ 1 x 30/22.5 kg

Between each set (so 2 x): 200 m Suitcase Carry the DB outside the gym and back in, walking out the gym one side, up the stairs and back in the gym through the other door. Bonus points if you can hold the DB in the same hand for the full lap.

TC = 20 min

Friday 11 October

Warming Up

  • 10 Squat & Reaches
  • 10 Russian Baby Makers

Then onto 1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 Banded Pallof Presses
  • 10 Plate Goblet Squats with plate press at bottom position
  • 3/3/3 Lunge Matrix

Strength: Squat Accessory

3-4 RFQ:

  • 10 Front Squats
  • 10/10 Bul Split Squats

*Aim for heavier weights than last week


For time with a buddy:

3 RFT:

  • 20 C2B Pull Ups IGYG
  • 15 V-ups synchro
  • 10 m (buddy) HS Walk IGYG or 20 m Buddy Wheelbarrows with high hips

Straight onto:

3 RFT:

  • 20 Pull ups IGYG
  • 15 Buddy Sit Ups
  • 6 Wall Walks IGYG

TC = 18 min

*Aim for <3 min rounds

Intermediate = 16 (banded if needed) C2B and regular pull ups, 12 V-ups/sit ups, 6 m HS walk or 20 m Buddy wheelbarrows with high hips, 5 wall walks

Beginner: 12 Jumping C2B and regular pull ups, 10 V-ups/sit ups, 15 m wheelbarrows with low hips (in plank position), 4 wall walks

Saturday 12 October

Warming Up

  • 4 x 300 m row/ski or 600 m on the bike

Every 100 m (200 m on bike) increase speed

Rest at least 1 min between rounds & alternate machines. Pay attention to your speeds. What is the top speed you can maintain steadily for the final 100 m?

Conditioning – Short Anaerobic


3 Rounds for Reps – 5 min rest between rounds

5 x 1′ on / 1′ off

  • Round 1 – 10 Burpees Over Rower AMRAP Row
  • Round 2 – 10 Box Jump Overs AMRAP Echo Bike
  • Round 3 – 10 Alternating DB Snatches AMRAP Ski erg

*Stay in the same combo for 5 sets, aim to keep your numbers steady in all 5 sets. Today is about pacing. You have quite a bit rest so try to work harder than you want to. aim to hold the top speed from the warm up on the machines.

Sunday 13 October

Warming Up

1-2 sets of:

  • 10 m bear crawl with high hips and straight legs
  • 5 inchworms

Then 1-2 sets of:

  • 10/10 single leg glute bridges
  • 10 banded OH presses

Strength: Romanian Deadlifts & DB Bench Press

8 x 90″

  • 6 RDL’s
  • 6 DBL DB Bench presses

*Again fewer reps than last week so aim for heavier weights. Same tempo (3-1-X-1)


Team Workout in teams of 2-3:

  • 60 BB Cleans @ 70/50 kg
  • 60 Whole Team Synchronised Lateral jumps over Barbell
  • 40 BB Thrusters @ 70/50 kg
  • 40 Whole Team Synchronised Lateral Down Ups over Barbell
  • 20 BB Clusters @ 70/50 kg
  • 20 Whole Team Synchronised Bar Facing Burpees over Barbell

TC = 18 min

Intermediate: 50/35 kg BB

Beginner: 30/20 kg BB