Programming week 48

Monday 25 November

Warming Up

7 min AMRAP:

  • 10 Cal Machine
  • 10″/10″ Rope hangs
  • 30″ Skipping (any style)
  • 5/5 SA Rope/Ring Rows


8 x 90″

  • 2-3 Legless Rope Climbs
  • 60″ DU or CrossOver (DU) Practice

Intermediate: 2-5 Regular Rope Climbs

Beginner: 5 x clamp on box & 5/5 knee to elbow

Workout – RE-TEST 30″ Echo Bike


4 x 300 m Row/Ski* or 600 m Echo Bike**

* = increase speed every 100 m

** = increase speed every 200 m

Make sure you do each machine at least once. Then onto:

  • 30″ Max echo bike test

3 Attempts to find a max calorie in 30″ on the Echo, not Assault, Bike

Rest at least 4 mins between sets. Read the score at 30″, spillover calories do not count. If you only want to do one or 2 attempts this is also fine. Once completed go for an easy bike/row/ski for the remainder of the time. Working at a really low pace is going to help you recover.

Tuesday 26 November

Warming Up

1-2 sets of:

  • 30″/30″ PVC External Rotation Stretch
  • 10/10 Squat & Reaches

2-3 RFQ:

  • 5 Superslow Eccentric Front Squats (explosive on the way up)
  • 10 Ring Rows


3-4 RFQ:

  • 6 Front Squats
  • 6/6 SA Row

Same reps different tempo

All on tempo: 2-1-X-1 – An additional pause in the bottom position before the next rep. In the front squats, try to remain as explosive as possible on the way up.

Tempo makes it hard to pick a weight, so go by feel and form. Add weight as long as you can maintain the tempo with good form.


3 RFT:

  • 10 Devil Press @ 1 x 30/22.5
  • 20 Box Jump Overs
  • 20 C2B Pull Ups
  • 400 m Run

TC = 21 min


I = 1 x 22.5/15 kg – regular pull ups

B = 1 x 15/10 kg – jumping pull/chin ups

TC for the run is 2.5 min, if you cannot complete 400 m in that time shorten the run

Wednesday 27 November

Warming Up

  • 5/5 forward lunges with OH reach with 2 light plates
  • 10 OH squats with 2 light plates

Then with empty barbell:

  • 5 Snatch Deadlifts
  • 5 Snatch Grip High Pulls
  • 5 Behind the neck presses
  • 5 OH Squats

Weightlifting Technique – Catch Focus – Snatch

3-4 RFQ:

  • 3 No Feet Snatch Balances & 2 OHSquat

3-5 RFQ:

  • 3 (No-Feet) Snatches & 1 OHSquat


*Weight is not important, focus on quality of movement, so make sure the bar is heavy enough to give you some feedback, but not so heavy weight is a limiting factor.


10 min AMRAP:

  • 60 DU
  • 15 HSPU / 5 Renegade rows with push up @2 x 22.5/15 kg

*If you do not master the DU (well enough) treat this workout as an EMOM with on the odd sets: 60″ DU practice and the even sets 3-5 Renegade rows with push up or 5-15 HSPU

Thursday 28 November

Warming Up

4 x 300 m Row/Ski* or 600 m Echo Bike**

* = increase speed every 100 m

** = increase speed every 200 m

Make sure you do each machine at least once.


  • 30″ Max echo bike test

3 Attempts to find a max calorie in 30″ on the Echo, not Assault, Bike

Rest at least 4 mins between sets. Read the score at 30″, spillover calories do not count.


If there’s time left:

10-15 min AMRAP in pairs:

Working at 60-70% intensity:

  • P1: 600/500 m Row or Ski
  • P2: AMRAP 12 Air Squats & 12 KB swings @ 20/16 kg – L

*The purpose of this part is to recover from the E-bike test. Work at an easy pace, ensure you can keep a conversation going. We do not want to finish this part very tired, but feeling warm but recovered. P1 starts on the rower/ski-erg and P2 on the a squats and KB swings, P2 keeps repeating these 2 movements until P1 has finished their distance, then they switch.

Friday 29 November

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridge
  • 10/10 Bird Dogs

1-2 sets with Empty Barbell:

  • 10 Good Mornings
  • 10 Strict Presses


3-4 RFQ:

  • 6 Deadlifts*
  • 6 Push Press**

Same reps different tempo this week

*Tempo = 3-1-X-0

** Tempo = 3-1-X-0 – So 3″” down as well as a 1″” pause before the next rep.

Tempo makes it hard to pick a weight, so go by feel and form. Add weight as long as you can maintain the tempo with good form.


4 x 4′ ON / 1′ OFF

  • 20 Power Cleans IGYG @ 60/40 kg
  • 20 Front Squats IGYG @ 60/40 kg
  • 10 Burpees over BB synchro

*Score is total reps completed in all 4 rounds. Start where you finished each next round. Burpees can be lateral or bar facing

I = 45/30 kg

B = 30/20 kg

Saturday 30 November

Warming Up

1-2 RFQ:

  • 10 Arnold presses with light DB/plates
  • 30″ Plank Hold

Then onto:

  • 10 Strict presses with EB
  • 30″ plate hold at shoulder height
  • 10 Push presses with EB
  • 30″ plate hold at shoulder height – heavier plate
  • 6 Push Jerks
  • 30″ plate hold at shoulder height – heavier plate
  • 6 Split Jerks


Weightlifting Technique

Build to a heavy 3 RM from the rack of:

  • Split Jerks



4 RFT:

  • 6 D-ball Squats @ 70/50 kg
  • 40 m D-ball Carry
  • 15 TTB
  • 5 Wall Walks
  • 1 min rest

TC = 20 min

I = 50/35 kg D-ball & 8 Squats, 12 (Alt) TTB & 4 Wall Walks

B = 35/20 kg D-ball/SB, 12 (Alt) V-ups & 4 partial wall walks

Aim for 4 min rounds (without rest), scale up or down accordingly.

Sunday 1 December

Warming Up

2-3 RFQ:

  • 5/5 SA Rope Rows
  • 10/10/10 Forward, Back & Lateral Wrist Leans
  • 30″ Skipping (any Style)
  • 30″ HS hold (wall or back facing)


15 min EMOM

  • 1-2 (legless) rope climbs
  • 45″ DU/CrossoverDU/SU practice
  • 5-10 m HS walk

Workout – Sunday Funday Buddy workout

In teams of 2-3:

  • 80 Burpee shuttle runs (5 m) IGYG
  • 80 Buddy Wall Balls (sync) – throw the ball through the wall to your buddy – count the passes (so essentially each buddy does 40 reps,
  • 80 DBL DB Snatches IGYG
  • 80 Push ups with high five (sync) – Count the high fives – buddy 1 makes a push up while buddy 2 holds a plank. High five on the press up. Then buddy 1 holds the plank and buddy 2 makes a push up. So essentially each buddy does 40 push ups)
  • Row/ski for max distance in remaining time*

TC = 18 min

*Change every 100 m

Score is distance on the rower/ski erg.

Team of 3 means more rest because you can swap one extra person. Aim for 20 reps per min, scale movements/weights accordingly.