Monday 12 August
Warming Up
7 min AMRAP:
Strength: Hip Thrusters & Pendlay Rows
3-4 RFQ:
*Start a new set every 4 min & try to build weight across all sets. If you did this session last time, try to maintain the same weight or build.
Workout – “Kalsu”
For Time
Start with 5 burpees. Then complete as many thrusters as possible until the minute is up. At the top of the minute (1:00) complete another 5 burpees. Repeat each minute until 100 total thrusters are completed.
Score is the total time it takes to complete all 100 thrusters.
TC = 25 min
– Beginner: 22-30 minutes
– Intermediate: 19-22 minutes
– Advanced: 15-19 minutes
– Elite: <14 minutes
100 Thrusters (42,5/30 kg)
5 Burpees to start and at the top of every minute
100 Thrusters (30/20 kg)
3 Burpees to start and at the top of every minute
Tuesday 13 August
Warming Up
1-2 sets:
Onto 1-2 Sets:
Onto 1-2 Sets:
Gymnastics – TTB & Pistols
4 RFQ:
*Rest as needed
90″ on 60″ off x 6
*Choose weights heavy enough to require the full 90″ to complete your set.
Warming Up
Then 2-3 RFQ:
3 RFT:
TC = 33 min
*For this workout you’ll need a D-ball and a pair of DB’s – share the D-ball with someone and start at different movements of the chipper if you want to use the same weight. Weight should feel medium/L. You want to stay as much UB on the D-ball and DBs as possible so don’t go too heavy. You have 10 min per round, ideally you spend no more than 1 min on each machine. Alternate the rower and ski-erg.
Thursday 15 August
Warming Up
1-2 sets:
Then with an empty barbell onto:
Weightlifting – Clean Technique “Pull focus”
Work up to a heavy:
Then onto:
Then onto:
12 min AMRAP:
I = 45/30 kg – 3 Banded Pull Ups
B = 30/20 kg – & 6 ring rows
Friday 16 August
Warming Up
1-2 sets:
Then onto 1-2 sets:
Strength: BB Step Back Lunges & DB OH Press
3-4 RFQ:
*Start a new set every 4 min & try to build weight across all sets. If you did this session last time, try to maintain the same weight or build.
3RFT with a buddy:
TC = 18 min
*Outside if the weather is nice
Saturday 17 August
Warming Up
1-2 sets of:
Gymnastics – HSPU & Pull Up
12 min EMOM
*Choose numbers for “X” that are challenging but doable in max 30″. The air squats are just there to give your upper body a break.
TC = 19 min
Sunday 18 August
Warming Up
Then 1-2 sets:
Conditioning – Hyrox
3 x 10 min AMRAP / 3 min rest between sets