Programming week 36

Monday 2 September

Warming Up

  • 1 round Gymnastics swimming

2 sets:

  • 30″ active hang
  • 20″/20″ Ankle stretch
  • 30″ scapula push ups

2 sets:

  • 10 kip swings
  • 10/10 ATG Split Squats
  • 30″ HS hold

2 sets:

  • 5-10 kipping (half) pull ups
  • 10 Pistols (down on 2 feet, up on one)
  • 10 (pike) push ups


20 min AMRAP

  • 5 Handstand Push-Ups
  • 10 Pistols (alternating legs)
  • 15 Pull-Ups

Intermediate option:

  • 2 Handstand Push Ups
  • 6 Pistols
  • 10 Pull Ups

Beginner option:

  • 5 (HR) push ups
  • 10 Skater squats or alternating step back lunges
  • 15 Ring Rows

Accessory – If there’s time left

3-5 RFQ:

  • 10/10 Seated Leg Lifts over KB/DB
  • 15-30″ Hollow body Hold
  • 10/10 SA KB OH sit ups

Tuesday 3 September

Warming Up

  • 10/10 leg swings
  • 5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch

Then onto 1-2 sets:

  • 10 EB good mornings
  • 10 EB back squats

Strength: Back Squat

Pre-TEST: Over the next 8 weeks we’re going to work towards a new 5RM Back Squat PR. Therefore, we’re going to test your current 5RM today. Please keep track of your weights using a note on your phone or old fashioned pen & paper.

  • 5 RM Back Squat

Test your 5 RM back squat. You can use the following format or choose your own:

  • 1 x 10 @ EB
  • 2 x 5
  • 2-3 x 3
  • 1-2 x 2
  • 1 x 5RM

*Please remember to write down your numbers on your phone or have a note book


For time:

21-15-9 reps of:

  • Box jumps
  • DB Snatches @ 1 x 22.5/15 kg

6-9-15 reps of:

  • Box Jump Overs
  • Devil presses @ 1 x 22.5/15 kg

TC = 12 min


I = 15/10 kg DB & same reps

B = 10/7.5 kg & 15-9-6 & 3-6-9 reps

Wednesday 4 September

Warming Up

  • 20″/20″ Front Rack Stretch
  • 20″ Tricep stretch

Then with an empty barbell 1-2 sets:

  • 10 Front Squats
  • 10 Deadlifts

Then onto:

  • 3-5 hang power cleans with a 1″ pause in the catch
  • 3-5 hang power cleans with a pause in the catch & then squat through to full depth
  • 3-5 hang squat cleans with a 1″ pause in the catch

Repeat sequence from mid-shin

Weightlifting: Clean “Catch” Focus

  • 2 x 5 powercleans with 1″ pause in catch
  • 2 x 3 powercleans with 1″ pause in catch & 2 front squats
  • 2 x 5 squatcleans with 1″ pause in catch

*If squat cleans are tough, try to catch as high as you need to find stability and then squat through to full depth


15 min AMRAP:

  • 3 Powerclean & Jerks @ 60/40 kg*
  • 3 Cal Machine*
  • 3 Burpees Over Barbell*

*Add 3 reps every set, score is total reps completed at 15 min.

I = add 2 reps every set – 45/30 kg BB

B = add 1 rep every set – 20/15 kg BB

Thursday 5 September

Warming Up

  • 10 Squat & Reaches
  • 10 Russian Baby Makers

Then onto 1-2 sets:

  • 10/10 Banded Pallof Presses
  • 10 Plate Goblet Squats with plate press at bottom position
  • 3/3/3 Lunge Matrix

Strength: Squat Accessory

If you haven’t done this yet, do the 5RM Back Squat test from Tuesday. You can retake the test if you’d like to redo it or continue with the following training:

3-4 RFQ:

  • 8 Front squats
  • 8/8 FFE Split squats
  • 8 DBL DB Good Mornings

*Rest as needed


3 RFT:

  • 5 Wall Walks
  • 20 DB Thrusters @ 2 x 20/12.5 kg
  • 6 D-ball Over Shoulder @ 50/35 kg

TC = 10 min

I = 4 Wall Walks, 16 Thrusters @ 2 x 12.5/7.5 kg, 4 D-ball To/Over Shoulder @ 50/35 kg

B = 3 Partial Wall Walks, 12 Thrusters @ 2 x 7.5/5 kg, 3 D-ball To Shoulder @ 35/20 kg

*This is a sprint workout with a really tight time cap. Make sure your movements and rep ranges are something you can sustain for 3 rounds. You have 1 min per movement, ideally a bit less.

Friday 6 September

Warming Up

  • 400 m jog & chat

1-2 sets with your buddy in IGYG:

  • 10 Burpee Broad Jumps
  • 20 Wall Balls
  • 10 Banded Pull Aparts

Conditioning – Hyrox

  • Prep & make friends


With a buddy: 4 x 8 min work / 2 min rest

8 min AMRAP:

  • 800 m run into max Burpee Broad Jumps IGYG

2 min rest

8 min AMRAP:

  • 800 m run into max Wall Balls IGYG

2 min rest

8 min AMRAP:

  • 800 m run into AMRAP (Buddy) Pull Ups IGYG

2 min rest

8 min AMRAP:

  • 800 m run into max row/ski IGYG or DBL DB Devil Press @ 2 x 20/12.5 kg IGYG if outside

*Go outside if the weather is nice.

Saturday 7 September

Warming Up

  • 2 min row/ski easy pace

Then onto:

  • 10 RDL’s with Foam Roller between wrists and upper legs
  • 10 banded I, T, Y raises

Then onto:

  • 10 Barbell Upright Rows
  • 10 Romanian Deadlifts with an empty barbell
  • 5 Walkouts With a Push Up

Strength: Romanian Deadlifts & DB Bench Press

3-4 RFQ:

  • 10 RDL’s
  • 10 DBL DB Bench Press

*3″ eccentric on both movements

Tempo = 3-0-X-1


For time:

  • 15 DB Clusters
  • 60 m Walking Lunges Farmer Hold
  • 10 Push ups with Renegade Row
  • 40 m Walking Lunges Front Rack Hold
  • 5 Manmakers
  • 20 m Walking Lunges Overhead Hold

TC = 15 min

RX = 2 x 22.5/15 kg

I = 2 x 15/10 kg

B = 2 x 10/7.5 kg

Sunday 8 September

Warming Up

7 min AMRAP:

  • 45″ ski on high resistance
  • 30″ dead hang into 10 scapula push ups
  • 10 hollow body to arch body rolls
  • 5 candlesticks


3-5 RFQ:

  • RX: 3-5 BMU & 10-15 TTB
  • I: 3-5 3 position jumping BMU & 8-12 TTB/Alternating TTB
  • B: 5-10 Kipping Knee/Leg Raises & 10 Toes to Rig

*Rest as needed – @coaches see gymnastics programming for links in jumping BMU progressions


2 RFT:

  • 20 DBL KB/DB Hang Snatches @ 2 x 24/16 kg
  • 120 DU/SU

Rest 2 min

2 RFT:

  • 10/10 SA KB OH Squat @ 1 x 24/16 kg
  • 400 m run

TC = 20 min

I = 16/12 kg KB

B = 12/8 kg KB – skip for 2 min