Programming Week 40

Monday 30 September

Warming Up

  • 400 m Run & chat

Then 1-2 sets of:

  • 5 Walkouts with Push Up
  • 10/10 Sumo squat sways
  • 10 KB RDLs

Strength: Romanian Deadlifts & DB Bench Press

8 x 90″

  1. 10 RDL’s
  2. 10 DBL DB Bench presses

*Same numbers with the same tempo (3-1-X-1) now in timed intervals. Each rep should take at least 4″ which means each set should take about 40″


For time:

  • 800 m run
  • 50 Wall balls
  • 400 m run
  • 30 Wall ball cleans
  • 400 m run
  • 20 Wall ball clean to wall ball

TC = 18 min

*Simple movements so try to push the pace today.

Tuesday 1 October

Warming Up

  • 4 x 300 m row/ski/bike

Every 100 m increase speed.

Rest 1 min between rounds & alternate machines.

Conditioning – 30″ Short Anaerobic Test

30″ Max echo bike test

3 Attempts to find a max calorie in 30″ on the Echo, not Assault, Bike. Rest at least 4 mins between sets. Read the score at 30″, spillover calories do not count.


If there’s time left 10-15 min AMRAP in pairs:

Working at 60-70% intensity:

  • P1: 600/500 m Row or Ski
  • P2: AMRAP 12 Box step overs & 12 KB swings @ 20/16 kg – L

*The purpose of this part is to recover from the E-bike test. Work at an easy pace, ensure you can keep a conversation going. We do not want to finish this part very tired, but feeling warm but recovered. P1 starts on the rower/ski-erg and P2 on the box step overs and KB swings, P2 keeps repeating these 2 movements until P1 has finished their distance, then they switch.

Wednesday 2 October

Warming Up

1-2 RFQ:

  • 15 Calf Raises (elevate toes for round 2)
  • 30″ Deep Goblet Squat Hold with KB

Then onto: 2 RFQ:

  • 20″ chin over bar hold (toe supported if needed)
  • 10 KB/DB Goblet Squats

Strength: Back Squat & Pull Up

Back Squats

  • 3 x 5 @ 65%
  • 2 x 5 @ 70%

Superset with 5 Strict Pull Ups

*We’re moving to strict pull ups this month, try to keep the weight/band from your last set of chin ups.


3′ on / 1′ off x 4

  • 3-5 Wall Walks
  • 10 Burpee Deadlifts
  • 10 DBL DB Hang Snatches

*Score is total reps completed in all 4 sets. Continue where you left off each round.

RX = 5 wall walks, 2 x 22.5 / 15 kg

I = 4 (partial) wall walks, 2 x 15/10 kg

B = 3 partial wall walks, 2 x 10/7.5 kg

Thursday 3 October

Warming Up

7 min AMRAP:

  • 10 Candlesticks
  • 15 Scapula Pull Ups
  • 15/15 Doorway stretch Pulses
  • 30″ Ski Erg

Gymnastics: Compression Strength/Skill

Every 4 min x 4

  • 20 TTB
  • 20 V-ups
  • Easy machine for remainder of time. This should be active recovery. Bonus points for taking the ski/rower


  • 20-12 (alternating) TTB
  • 20-12 (alternating) V-ups
  • Easy machine for remainder of time. This should be active recovery. Bonus points for taking the ski/rower



Every 4 min x 4

  • 10-15 Cone kip swings
  • 10-15 Banded TTB/Knee raises
  • 10-15 (alternating) V-ups
  • Rest remainder of time



  • 30″ Max calorie echo bike test

3 Attempts to find a max calorie in 30″ on the Echo, not Assault, Bike. Rest at least 4 mins between sets. Read the score at 30″, spillover calories do not count.


Or if you did this test on Tuesday and do not wish to repeat it:

2-3 x

  • 1200 m Row or Ski:
  • After every 400 m: 10 Burpees over the Rower or 10 Lateral Burpees over Line if using the Ski erg

Rest 3 min between sets

Friday 4 October

Warming Up

1-2 RFQ:

  • 30″/30″ Banded OH Stretch
  • OH Press Matrix with light weights/DBs

1-2 sets of:

  • 5 BB strict Presses
  • 5 BB Push Presses
  • 5 BB Push Jerks with 2″ hold in catch

Without barbell:

  • 5 step into split jerk
  • 5 jump into split jerk

Then with EB:

  • 5 Split Jerks


Build weight over sets:

  • 2 x 5 push presses
  • 2 x 5 push jerks
  • 2 x 3 split jerks
  • 2 x 2 split jerks


For Time In Pairs all IGYG:

  • 40 Box Step Overs @ 1 x 30/22.5
  • 40 Clean & Jerks W1. @ 61/43 kg
  • 30 Box Jump Overs
  • 30 Clean & Jerks W2. @ 80/56 kg
  • 20 Box Jumps
  • 20 Clean & Jerks W3. @ 100/70 kg

TC = 18 min

*Choose weights for each lift to ensure you can do about 7-8 reps UB when fresh for weight 1, 3-5 reps UB for weight 2 and 1-2 reps UB for weight 3. You have 6 min per set of C&J and box movement. Aim to use one barbell but if the difference between athletes is too big set up 2 separate.

Saturday 5 October

Warming Up

2-3 RFQ:

  • 10/10 Step back lunges with knee raise (hold 1″ at top)
  • 10/10 Cossack Squats
  • 5 Walkouts with a Heel Tap

Strength: Squat Accessory

3-4 RFQ:

  • 10 Front Squats
  • 10/10 Bul Split Squats

* Rest as needed. We’re changing the accessory a little bit compared to last month and doing 2 reps more. See if you can do that with the same weight as the last set of 8 reps you did last time. 


For time:

  • 75 Push Ups
  • 75 C2B Pull Ups
  • 2 K Run

TC = 20 min

*Divide reps as you wish, work does not need to be completed as preciscribed but anything is allowed today. For example you could do 5 rounds of 20 Push Ups, 15 C2B and 400 m run. For the intermediate athlete who is unable to do big sets yet 5 rounds like this may be more appropriate: 10 Push Ups, 10 C2B, 10 Push Ups, 5 C2B, 400 m Run.

Intermediate: 60 Push ups, 60 (Banded) Kipping Pull Ups, 1.6 K run

Beginner: 50 Incline Push Ups, 50 Jumping Pull ups with 1″ hold at top, 1.2K run

Time Domains:

Push Ups: 5 min

Pull Ups: 5 min

Run: 10 min

Sunday 6 October

Warming Up

  • 5 x 1 min machine

After min 1 & 3:

  • 10 Down Ups or Burpees

After min 2 & 4:

  • 10 Lunge Steps

Conditioning – Long Aerobic

Do a test round, get your stuff ready and have a plan. Today’s workout is a long grind with easy movements. The challenge is to find a sustainable pace and to keep chipping away on the 150 reps of each movement, so make sure you start slower than you think you can manage and rest before you get too hot.


Morrison but different:

50-40-30-20-10 reps of:

  • Calories machine
  • Burpees to target
  • Plate Lunge Steps (one rep = one step)

TC = 40 min


RX = echo bike/ski erg, 20/15 kg plate, target needs to be higer than arm’s length

I = ski erg/rower, 15/10 kg plate, target needs to be higer than arm’s length

B = rower/Assault bike, 10/5 kg plate, target does not need to be higher than arm’s length