Programming week 42

Monday 14 October

Warming Up

  • 400 m jog & chat

Then 1-2 RFQ:

  • 1 round Gymnastics swimming
  • 10 Banded Lat Pull Downs
  • 30″ Hollow Body hold
  • 30″ Arch Hold

Gymnastics: Bar Skills

3-5 RFQ:

  • For BMU: 5-10 Banded hips to bar & 5 Arch to support hold on plates
  • Or for Pull up: 10 Cone Kip Swings & 5-10 Boxed (C2B) kipping pull ups

Then onto:

  • 3-5 (jumping) BMU / 5-10 kipping (C2B) pull ups

*The goal of this part is to learn new skills. So do the first two drills before attempting the full movement each round.


15 min AMRAP:

  • 200 m Run
  • 15 HSPU
  • 5 D-ball GTOH @ 50/35 kg

I = 12 (elevated feet) Pike Push Ups, 5 D-ball GTOH @ 35/20 kg

B = 10 (HR) Push Ups, 7 plate GTOH @ 15/10 kg

*The run is just there to give your upper body a break so treat it as such: recovery jog, not a sprint.

Tuesday 15 October

Warming Up

1-2 RFQ:

  • 30″ / 30″ KB Hip opener
  • 10/10 KB Halo’s

Then onto 1-2 RFQ:

  • 10 Kang Squats
  • 10 Ring Rows

Strength: Back Squat & Pull Up

Back Squats

  • 1 x 5 @ 70%
  • 1 x 5 @ 75%
  • 2 x 3 @ 80-85%
  • 1 x 3 @ ?

Superset with 5 strict Pull Ups


4 RFT:

Start a new set every 5 min.

  • 15/12 Cal machine
  • 15 TTB or V-ups
  • 15 DBL DB Deadlifts @ 2 x 22.5/15

*Score is your slowest round. Aim for 2-2.5 min rounds. Only go for TTB if you can do big sets comfortably. The goal of today is to focus on intensity so only choose TTB if you aren’t limited by strength/technique on this movement.

Intermediate: 12-9 Calories, 12 TTB or V-ups and 2 x 15/10 kg

Beginner: 10-7 Calories, 10 (Alternating) V-ups and 2 x 10/7.5 kg – Romanian Deadlifts

Wednesday 16 October

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10 PVC shoulder dislocates
  • 30″ PVC thoracic spine stretch

Then 1-2 RFQ with PVC or BB:

  • 5 behind the neck presses
  • 5 Elbow rotations with PVC overhead
  • 5 OH squats
  • 5 Drop Snatches
  • 5 Tall snatches slow & fast
  • 5 Hang Snatches
  • 5 Full Snatches



5 min EMOM

  • 2 hang (squat) snatches @ 60-70%

2 min rest

5 x 90″

  • 3 (squat) snatches @ 75-80 %

*Add weight for the last EMOM, always try to find the heaviest weight you can still move with good form.


15 min AMRAP:

  • 3 Wall Walks
  • 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • 12 Barbell Power Snatches @ 42.5/30 kg

I = 30/22.5 kg BB

B = 20/15 kg BB

Thursday 17 October

Warming Up

1-2 sets:

  • 10 90″/90″ stretch
  • 10 PVC lat stretch on bench

Then 1-2 sets

  • 5/5 ATG Split Squats
  • 10 SL Deadlifts
  • 10 EB Front squats

Strength: Squat Accessory

Every 4 min x 3-4:

  • 10 Front Squats
  • 10/10 Bul Split Squats

*Aim for heavier weights than last week


Benchmark workout “Annie”

50-40-30-20-10 Reps For Time

  • Double-Unders
  • Sit-Ups

TC = 12 min

Friday 18 October

Warming Up

  • 2 x 45″ Pizza Game

Then onto:

1-2 RFQ with light DB:

  • 10 Alternating hang snatches
  • 10 Goblet Squats
  • 10 Box jumps

Conditioning – Long Aerobic


40 min AMRAP

  • 50 DBL DB Hang Snatches IGYG @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg
  • 50 Box jumps IGYG
  • 50 DBL DB Goblet Squats IGYG @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg
  • 400 m Buddy Run

Today’s challenge is to find a sustainable pace and hold it for 40 min. The rep ranges are long so think about breaking these up in sensible chunks.

I = 2 x 15/10 kg

B = 2 x 10/7.5 kg

Saturday 19 October

Warming Up

  • 400 m Run

Then 1-2 sets of:

  • 5 Walkouts with Push Up
  • 10/10 Sumo squat sways
  • 10 KB RDLs

Strength: Romanian Deadlifts & DB Bench Press

8 x 60″

  1. 5 RDL’s
  2. 5 DBL DB Bench presses

*Again fewer reps than last week, same tempo (3-1-X-1) but less time than last week so aim to hold last week’s weight.


1′ ON / 1′ OFF x 10

For max reps:

  1. Ski erg
  2. Line Facing Burpees
  3. Air/Echo bike
  4. Shuttle runs (7.5 m)
  5. DU/SU

Sunday 20 October

Warming Up

2 RFQ:

  • 60″ machine
  • 30″ active hang (kip swings for second round)
  • 10 (alternating) V-ups
  • 10 Ring Rows

Gymnastics: Compression Strength/Skill

Every 4 min x 4

  • 20 V-ups
  • 20 TTB
  • Easy machine for remainder of time. Bonus points for taking the ski/rower


  • 20-12 (alternating) V-ups
  • 20-12 (alternating) TTB
  • Easy machine for remainder of time. Bonus points for taking the ski/rower


Every 4 min x 4

  • 10-15 Cone kip swings
  • 10-15 Banded TTB/Knee raises
  • 10-15 (alternating) V-ups
  • Rest remainder of time


For Time:

21-15-9 reps of

  • C2B pull ups
  • DBL DB OH Lunges (both legs = 1 rep) @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg

TC = 11 min

I = regular pull ups, 2 x 15-10 kg

B = jumping pull ups, 2 x 10-7.5 kg