Programming Week 43

Monday 21 October

Warming Up

1-2 RFQ:

  • 15 Calf Raises (elevate toes for round 2)
  • 30″” Deep Goblet Squat Hold with KB

Then onto: 2 RFQ:

  • 20″” chin over bar hold (toe supported if needed)
  • 10 KB/DB Goblet Squats

Strength: Back Squat & Pull Up

Back Squats

  • 1 x 5 @ 75%
  • 1 x 5 @ 80%
  • 1 x 5 @ 85%
  • 2 x 5 @ ?

Superset with 5 strict Pull Ups


4-5 RFT:

  • 12 HSPU
  • 10 BB Deadlifts @ 100/70 kg
  • 12 Burpees over BB

TC = 15 min

I = 4 rounds – 6 Renegade Rows with Push Up @ 2 x 15/10 kg instead of HSPU & 70/50 kg BB

B = 4 rounds – 6 Renegade Rows with Push Up @ 2 x 10/7.5 kg instead of HSPU & 50/35 kg BB – 10 burpees

Tuesday 22 October

Warming Up

1-2 RFQ:

  • 30″/30″ Banded OH Stretch
  • OH Press Matrix with light weights/DBs

1-2 sets of:

  • 5 BB strict Presses
  • 5 BB Push Presses
  • 5 BB Push Jerks with 2″ hold in catch

Without barbell:

  • 5 step into split jerk
  • 5 jump into split jerk

with EB:

  • 5 Split Jerks


Build weight over sets:

  • 2 x 3 push presses
  • 2 x 3 push jerks
  • 2 x 2 split jerks
  • 3 x 1 split jerks


Start a new set every 4 min x 5

  • 12 Powercleans @ 60/40 kg
  • 6/6 Lunge steps L/R @ 60/40 kg
  • 15/12 cal Row or ski or 12/9 cal echo bike

*Push the pace at the end. Aim for 2 min rounds

Wednesday 23 October

Warming Up

2-3 RFQ:

  • 10/10 Step back lunges with knee raise (hold 1″ at top)
  • 10/10 Cossack Squats
  • 5 Walkouts with a Heel Tap

Strength: Squat Accessory

Every 4 min x 3-4:

  • 10 Front Squats
  • 10/10 Bul Split Squats

*Aim for heavier weights than last week


For time:

3 RFT:

  • 400 m run
  • 30 TTB
  • 12 D-ball to/over shoulder @ 50/35 kg

TC = 18 min



Run: < 2.5 min

TTB: <1.5 min

D-ball <2 min

I = 20 (alternating) TTB, 8 D-ball to/over shoulder @ 50/35 kg

B = 20-30 knee raises, 10 SB to shoulder @ 35/20 kg

Thursday 24 October

Warming Up

3 rounds:

  • Row/Ski exactly 200 m or echo bike 10 cals

For every m you are over or under do 1 burpee

For attempt 2 & 3 cover the screen


Conditioning – Short Anaerobic


10 min EMOM

  • 8/6 cal echo bike*

*Add 1 calorie each min

3 min rest

Repeat on rower and ski-erg


When you can no longer complete the calories within the 60″ the workout on that machine stops.

Your score is final completed set on each machine added up.

I = start at 7/5

B = start at 6/4

Friday 25 October

Warming Up

  • 10/10 leg swings
  • 5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch

Then onto 1-2 sets:

  • 10 EB good mornings
  • 10 EB back squats
  • 10 EB Bent over Row

Strength: Back Squat Test

  • RETEST – 5RM Back Squat

Today we repeat the 5 RM Back Squat Test


For time:

  • 100 D-ball Over Yoke IGYG in 40″ ON / 40″ OFF

Max 10 sets / TC = 13.20

RX = 70/50 kg 

I = 50/35 kg – 90 reps

B = 35/20 kg – 80 reps

Saturday 26 October

Warming Up

2 RFQ:

  • 60″ machine
  • 30″ active hang (kip swings for second round)
  • 10 (alternating) V-ups
  • 10 Ring Rows

Gymnastics: Bar Skills

Every 4 min x 4

  • 15 TTB
  • 5 BMU
  • Easy machine for remainder of time. Bonus points for taking the ski/rower



  • 15-10 (alternating) TTB
  • 5 jumping BMU or 10 (C2B) pull ups
  • Easy machine for remainder of time. Bonus points for taking the ski/rower



Every 4 min x 4

  • 10-15 Cone kip swings
  • 5-10 (banded) kipping pull ups
  • 10-15 Banded TTB/Knee raises
  • Rest remainder of time


For time:

21-15-9 reps of:

  • Cal Machine
  • Box jumps
  • Burpee to target

Straight into 6-9-12 reps of:

  • Cal Machine
  • Box jump Overs
  • Burpee Pull Ups

TC = 20 min

Sunday 27 October

Warming Up

2-3 RFQ:

  • 5 Walkouts with a (pike for round 2-3?) push up
  • 10 Goblet Squats
  • 10 Deadlift High Pulls
  • 10 Strict presses


Strength Sunday Funday Team Workout


For time:

In pairs:


Sets of:

  • 2 Wall Walks
  • 6 HSPU
  • 12 Sit Ups

Between each round:

3 sets of:

Macho Man:

  • 3 Power Cleans @ 70/50 kg
  • 3 Front Squats
  • 3 STOH

TC = 40 min

You have 1 min per round wall walks, HSPU & Sit ups and 2 min for 3 sets Macho Man. Choose weights and reps accordingly.

I = 1 Wall walk, 5 HSPU or pike push ups, 10 sit ups – 50/35 kg

B = 1 partial wall walk, 5 hand release push ups, 8 sit ups – 30/20 kg